Monday, January 11, 2021

A Christmas to Remember atop Emory Peak

(View from the top of Emory Peak)

The first rays of sunshine were streaking over the high summits as we stepped outside into the frozen air for a climb to the roof of Big Bend. For a month and a half, we've looked out our back windows at the massive bulk of Emory Peak. Today (Christmas Day) we will climb to its 7,825 foot summit!

The temperature rose gradually as we climbed higher and higher up the Pinnacles Trail. We took lots of breaks, aiming for the sunniest spots, since we could hardly break a sweat in the chilly air. Mexican Jays and Acorn Woodpeckers flew from tree to tree, highlighted against the piercing blue sky.

Switchback after switchback we climbed, until reaching the intersection with Toll Mountain. We ate our lunch in the sunshine, then set off on new-to-us terrain. A mile and a half later, we neared the summit. We came to the base of a steep, rocky wall. The twin peaks of the summit were on either side. Susanna began the final climb, felt overcome by a dizzying fear of heights, and said, "this is high enough!" Jasper and Mike continued up, scrambling for handholds, while trying not to look down the steep drop-offs. Suddenly, we could go no higher. We had reached the roof of Big Bend! A 360 degree view greeted us and we were awestruck by the beauty of the scene. After a few moments of reveling in the feeling of success, we held onto the pole sticking up from the highest rock (it was windy!) and took each others' pictures.

Jasper was an amazing trooper on the hike. It was late afternoon when we stepped back into our home and we all felt a bit tired. All in all, we had hiked more than 11 miles, climbing (and then descending) over 2,500 feet. The sun set, turning the clouds crimson. This was a Christmas to remember!

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