Thursday, June 11, 2009

Northward Bound

As my friend Kate would say, I'm heading to Michigan, where the lakes are great!!! Tomorrow morning I'll hop a few flights and arrive in Wisconsin, where I'll have a chance to visit with two great friends. Then I'll be on my way toward the Upper Peninsula, where I grew up. On Tuesday afternoon, guess where I'll be?! That's right, on Isle Royale!

While I'm sad to leave Mike in GA to finish up at the academy, I'm really excited to visit the island and then head "home" to northern California. Which brings me to some other good news...I've been selected to work at Redwood National Park! I'll be based out of an education center/residential camp in a redwood forest within the park, where we'll lead groups of 4th, 5th and 6th graders on outdoor adventures. Sounds like fun!

So the next time I write, it'll be from a much cooler climate.

Hasta luego, Georgia! Hasta pronto, Michigan!

1 comment:

  1. Wooo Hooooo! Congrats on the new prestigious job, sis :)
