Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Later Spring on the Island...

May, 2016:  May began with lots of sunny skies, but by the end of the month, rainy and foggy weather was the norm.  Temps stayed cool throughout most of the month.  Susanna and Jasper arrived on the island.  We stayed living at Mott Island while some work was done on our house in Rock Harbor.  Flowers began to bloom and visitors began to trickle in.  It's an exciting time of year!  Many adventures are yet in front of us!

Calypso Orchid
Canoe Patrol along Amygdaloid Island
View of Canada to the North of Isle Royale
The rugged interior of Amygdaloid Island
A cold day at Mott Island

Susanna and Jasper on Mott Island on a warm day in May

A glorious sunset...

Early Spring on the Island

April, 2016:  On the 20th of April, I made the crossing back to Isle Royale.  There was less ice than the previous two springs, but it was still quite plentiful in the shallower bays.  Snow was still quite deep in places, especially on the North facing slopes.  After a night in Amygdaloid, I set up life in a small cabin on Mott Island.  Next came the long process of getting ready for the season and doing some early season patrols.  No visitors to the island meant a very remote experience.  Plentiful sunshine and many calm days meant incredible paddling and hiking!

Patrol vessel "Goshawk"

Lots of snow still on the North Shore of Isle Royale

Ahhh... Isle Royale kayaking!

A thin layer of ice on an early morning paddle!

Ojibway Tower

Early season Moose

Wolf print in the snow at Todd Harbor!

Ranger III at Mott